Today, I interview Steve Peck who catches our attention right away when he says “I knew where I found my voice. I just didn’t know where I’d lost it!”
As an introvert, Steve had an active and very successful career but experienced moments where he felt that people didn’t want to listen to his ideas, so he consequently became quiet.
He began to keep things inside and avoid those connections. He has a story of overcoming this mindset and sharing his true voice!
Steve Peck is a business entrepreneur and purpose-driven entrepreneur! He has had 30 years with marketing and sales strategy.
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Transcript of Interview
Find Your Voice, Change Your Life Podcast
Podcast Host: Dr. Doreen Downing
Free Guide to Fearless Speaking:
Episode #16 Steve Peck
“Making Your Message Resonate”
(00:37) Dr. Doreen Downing
Hi, this is Dr. Doreen Downing and I’m here with the Find Your Voice, Change Your Life podcast. Here I get to interview people who somewhere along the line, it felt like they didn’t have a voice. And then of course, they took some kind of path. And that’s what we’re interested in today. What path did they take to find their voice? And now that they have a voice? What is their gift? And what are they offering to us, this world of, what, we want to make a difference together. So today I get to be with my friend, Steve, and Steve Peck is a business entrepreneur. And he’s a purpose-driven entrepreneur. And I guess there’s a big difference between just being an entrepreneur and a purpose driven. And I think just the word itself says something. Steve has had 30 years with marketing and sales strategies. So, I think we can trust him to lead us and help us understand what’s the best thing we can do about marketing. And I think what I read and what I understand from Steve, is that when you know your prospects, and when you know what your message is, you can help your prospects with that kind of, you know, there has to be a resonance, it seems like you know, so the messaging is what’s so important. So, we’ll learn more about that later today, when Steve tells us about what he’s doing with the messaging and helping us make our message resonate with our prospects. So welcome, Steve, I really appreciate you coming on and sharing your life story because it is about your life.
(02:21) Steve Peck:
(02:22) Dr. Doreen Downing
So let’s start with any kind of sense of—because it is about somewhere along the line, having felt like you didn’t have a voice– what would you say about that first?
(02:35) Steve Peck:
For me, and it’s funny, because I actually realized this in preparing for today. Like I knew where I found it. I just didn’t know where I lost it. Does that make sense?
(02:50) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Oh, that makes total sense. I’ve never heard it framed that way. But I think that’s so fascinating. And I think you got our attention right away here.
(03:00) Steve Peck:
So, for me– and there might be a lot of people like this– I had a voice. And I was pretty active with it. I’m an introvert. So, you know what active means to me is different than for other people. But for an introvert I was active through high school, through college, through the first years of my career. And when I was 32, I took a job with a company that I just say this. So, we did a team management index. If anybody knows what that is, and it doesn’t matter, because they took everybody on the team, and they plotted them on a circle. And if it hadn’t been for me, we would have had a flat tire. Right? So, I was everybody was over here, someplace here. I can’t make the signs, but I was off on the other direction than them. And some place in that period of time, I lost my voice. What I thought was, people didn’t really want to listen to me. Right? And that became like a common thing in my life. Like, oh, they just don’t want to listen. So consequently, I became quiet. Quieter.
(04:23) Dr. Doreen Downing:
It makes sense. It makes total sense with this. Are people listening? If nobody’s listening, then why even speak? Why even draw attention to yourself? Yeah, I understand what you’re saying.
(04:36) Steve Peck:
Yeah. And it actually made no sense, in a way, right. Because at this time, I was Director of Corporate planning for a pretty large company, a multimillion-dollar company. And I did, I did acquisition, so I was the front person on an acquisition. So, I would go out and kick a lot of tires. We were in the business of finding businesses that were in trouble and turning them around. So that’s what I did. And so, like I was on the board of directors of some of these companies that we had, had picked up and things. But in any case, in that period of time, I became super quiet, and just sort of went inward, instead of going out, you know, anyways. So, if that’s like you, you would probably know that, that you’re just, you become quiet. And you don’t know why. Like, so I would go to meetings, and I didn’t know why I didn’t say anything.
(05:43) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Oh, it’s so different than previously, is what you’re, you’re telling us is that that wasn’t how you entered the business world. And in fact, you know, running around and saying, knocking on doors and acquiring people, you had to have a voice. And then, so what is, what do you think, you know– how, how did you know that? Or how did you come to know that people weren’t listening? What, what were some of those indicators?
(06:11) Steve Peck:
It was? Well, I didn’t know they weren’t listening. I thought they weren’t listening.
(06:18) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Good distinction. Yes
(06:19) Steve Peck:
Yeah. So, I was in a group of mostly people who were metallurgical engineers, right. That’s what most of the rest of the management was. And we had a couple of accountants. But that was sort of who they were. And then it was me. And my background. It’s funny, because my background is actually in physics, which is pretty close to being an engineer. You know, it’s heavy math and science and stuff. But any– so in that, someplace along the line, I drifted off in my personality, to be more inclusive, exploring things like that, rather than factual, this is how it goes, right. And in that period of time, I just kind of decided, I must have decided that I, what I was saying people weren’t listening to. Right? It’s sort of like, it was like speaking to no agreement.
(07:27) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Well, that’s an interesting way to put it. You’re right. And there’s it’s almost like there is a different language that you’re talking about.
(07:35) Steve Peck:
Yeah, exactly. So, and I didn’t realize this. So, this is all happening. And I don’t know it’s. So now it’s, it’s kind of funny now, because I can go back and talk about it. But at the time, I didn’t realize that that was going on. So, this goes on until I take a personal development seminar. It was a three-day thing. It was Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and a Tuesday night. And the Tuesday night is really critical. So I go to the weekend, and I was really looking for to be more effective, to be more productive. Like that. That’s what I was going for. And what I found– anyway, so I found something different. Thursday night. I didn’t say anything the whole weekend. Right. So I was, I was following along this new model that I had built for myself, that people don’t really want to hear what I have to say. And I went and on Tuesday evening, the guy who was leaving it said, “Hey, like, you know, share what happened to you over the weekend?” And I said, Okay, well, I haven’t said anything a week. And it’s time to, I better do this. So I raised my hand, I get called on. And there was a guy in front of me who got called on. And he told his story that was like, to me, it sounds like he just moved a mountain from the west coast to the east coast, which made me want to go back and sit down. You know, I just kind of like, sunk down. Like, because people weren’t gonna listen to me to begin with. And now he is told this great story, and they’re gonna listen to me less. Right?
(09:23) Dr. Doreen Downing:
It all adds up, doesn’t it?
(09:27) Steve Peck:
So that’s what, that’s what I was perceiving. And then I told this story. What had happened to me over the weekend, I had gone home, and I had asked my kids, I have six kids. And I think now they’re adults, but at the time, my son who’s number five, he was two. So, they must have been from one to like eight or 10, something like that. And I went home and asked them, “what would make an exciting family?” And I told this story. And I went around, and I said, you know, what each of the kids said and things, and one of them said to me, “What would make exciting family is if we cleaned up after dinner, and went outside and played together.” And I was expecting, “hey, we’re going to have to go to the amusement park every day, we’re going to have to do all these things.” And that was nowhere to be heard amongst my kids. So, I told this story. And the whole time I’m looking down, right, I’m looking down, because people aren’t really going to listen to the story, I’m just going to tell it, get it over with and go back and sit down. So, I told this story. And there’s about 300 people in the room. I told this story. And at the end, I looked up, and everybody was on the edge of their seats. Some of the people were crying. And at that instant, I realized it was me who didn’t value what I had to say, it wasn’t them.
(11:06) Dr. Doreen Downing:
This is so important, what you’re saying at that moment, that transformational moment, and it brings just in listening to you, it illustrates, I think, to the listeners that you never know, you never know when you’re going to wake up to life and to yourself.
(11:28) Steve Peck:
Yeah. And it’s, that is not why I went to this seminar, I did not go to find my voice. Right, I did not go because I was quiet. None of those things. So anyways, the rest of that’s history. So that happened. And then I went about applying it in my life. I quit my job soon thereafter and ventured off on my own.
(11:57) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Well, what you’re saying about that particular moment is you’re, you’re– it feels like it’s so present. You’re talking about “I’m here now, I’m looking out.” And there’s this quality of presence and relationally, you know, you are noticing what the listeners are, how they’re receiving you. And so there’s this kind of a circle, this connection that is finally made of your, your voice, your presence you are reaching, and one of the words I used when I started today with you is “resonate”. And it feels like you just gave us an example of what resonance might feel like. You’re looking out and you’re resonating with your listeners, the listeners are resonating with you. And that feels like what your business is about finding a message that resonates with people. So not only about voice, but about the kind of work that you do too feels like it all comes together.
(13:03) Steve Peck:
So anyways, that’s kind of the whole, that’s my whole story. There’s a lot of branches and things from that. But that is the core to my story.
(13:13) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Yeah, but that transformational moment is like a light bulb went on for you. And what I like about it being a light bulb moment is that before the light bulb went on, it was, you were in the shade, or you were you know, kind of holding yourself back and there wasn’t a lot of, there wasn’t a light coming out of you. And that feels like what’s different to when I listen to you is like, hey, the lights on inside of Steve now. And people are going “Yay, yes, I am touched by the by the light, touched by the light.” So that’s wonderful. Thank you for sharing that story with us. And also, I just, I’m sure that this family, that whole kind of father that you are that would gather your children and listen to them and let them have a voice.
(14:18) Steve Peck:
Yeah. And it’s funny because today now that they’re adults– one of, I don’t know, one of my kids thinks this is a great thing, so, we do it and everyone’s birthday– my last birthday when they went around and one of the kids wanted to know, like, what did what do they like best about me? Right? So, they went around and we’re all at a table. And it’s like, well, like well, how do I how do I contribute to them the most? And it’s funny because what they said was that I listen, and I provide great advice. You know, which is basically I wouldn’t be doing it if it hadn’t been have gone back to that moment, I wouldn’t really be doing that because I wouldn’t have confidence in my own voice.
(15:06) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Right, right. And that moment, also, if you’re looking at an audience, what you’re doing there is receiving them, which is a kind of listening, you’re listening to them listening to you. And so that’s, that’s fabulous. A father who listens and gives advice, not just gives advice, but listens first. That’s wonderful. And so, all this must transfer over into the kind of work that you do now. So, tell us how, what you’re up to nowadays.
(15:41) Steve Peck:
So it’s funny because I just moved. And I’m actually kind of using this to refresh myself, right? I used to do a lot of stuff on LinkedIn, I still do some, but not as much. And I really help people get to the core of their business, what, what is it that they’re trying to do? And it may not be what they think they’re doing. Right? I’ll just tell you a really quick story. I worked with an IT company; they did programming. And that’s what they thought they did. And after talking to them for a while, what I realized was, what they did is they helped their customers, I guess I’m going to call them their customers, they helped a group who were like ideal referral partners get more business. Right. So, they basically shifted their whole model around. And they began marketing to these people, the people in the middle, who provided them referrals, and their business shot up, like out of nowhere. Because they were now focused on people who, who had their ideal clients in in focus, they had them in focus. And they were able to provide that middle person with a way to make additional revenue by showing, by introducing them to the final client. Does that make sense?
(17:18) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Well, I think what I get is that you look at the whole system, you don’t just look at what they are doing, or what they’re saying. You, you look at probably the spaces in between what they say they’re doing. And that’s what to me feels like the whole what you do.
(17:37) Steve Peck:
That’s a good point. Yeah. The spaces in between.
(17:41) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Uh huh. And then let’s, let’s, because of you being so genuine today and telling your story, I think people may want to learn more about how they can find you and what you, what you can give them.
(17:57) Steve Peck:
Sure. So, they can reach out to me 1) they can find out more about me, if they listen to my podcast, which is at a website, HARNESSTHEWEB.NET. They can also find it on iTunes and all the podcast locations, and they can find it on YouTube, they can also reach out at HARNESSTHEWEB.NET I think it’s /SCHEDULE-WITH-STEVE , they can schedule a time to talk. And they can just have a 15-minute conversation with me about anything. You know, it doesn’t have to be on a sales pitch or anything like that. It’s just me listening to them and helping them get kind of straight with what they’re going and maybe I can help them. Maybe I can’t, but I’ll be– just a fun conversation.
(18:45) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Oh, well, I think that the fun conversation with you is the invitation just to have some time together with you. And you’re so you’re so genuine and it’s not like you’re coming people would come and say, “Hey, you know, are you going to sell me something?” It just feels, “Hey, I’m opening up a space for you. Let’s, let’s talk. Just have a chat.” That sounds like what’s really good. So harness the ?
(19:15) Steve Peck:
(19:20) Dr. Doreen Downing:
.NET . And that’s you, you have a podcast and you interview. What– what do you do in your interviews?
(19:26) Steve Peck:
So, on my podcast, I interview entrepreneurs. Right. And when really, you know, originally what I started out with several years ago, was the idea that I would interview people who were using the internet. And by interviewing them, that others who weren’t using it could see that it was possible. And they could, and give them impetus to do something. Make sense?
(19:54) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Yeah, like a bridge.
(19:56) Steve Peck:
Yeah. And it’s, but it’s kind of grown beyond that. So, it’s also now I really focus on for my guest, trying to tell them that my role is to make them look good. So that we’re going to basically create some digital media, that they’re going to have the conversation, it’s base is really an open conversation, and that they can, in that, look good in front of whoever they want to reach. And like that.
(20:34) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Mm hmm. Well, I think this theme today, you being a listener, feels like it shows up right here for the kind of work that you’re doing with entrepreneurs, and also with the podcast, and your commitment to helping people be more of who they can be is what I get from you.
(20:55) Steve Peck:
Yeah. And and it’s, it goes back to that resonating thing you were talking about, that, if I can find the thing that’s authentic about them, that will allow them to resonate with their market. Right.
(21:07) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Okay. You have to say that one more time. That is, that’s profound. I love that phrase.
(21:12) Steve Peck:
So if I can find out what’s authentic about them, then that will resonate with their market.
(21:19) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Oh, that’s so compelling, Steve. I was gonna ask you to say one final word. But that seems like, I’m not sure you could say anything more profound than that and helpful for us. But yeah, to end, how would you like to end our conversation today?
(21:36) Steve Peck:
Um, just encourage people to step forward. Right? That no matter what your fears are, no matter what you, what’s holding you back, no matter what it is, right? Whether it’s just getting involved, or it’s just getting going to the next level, whatever that is, is to take that step. Right, look inside yourself. See what you’re really saying internally, and then step forward into that.
(22:04) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Great, there you go. Listening, again, listening to yourself. Thank you so much, Steve.
(22:12) Steve Peck:
Thanks for having me.
(22:14) Dr. Doreen Downing:
(22:15) Steve Peck:
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Podcast host, Dr. Doreen Downing, helps people find their voice so they can overcome anxiety, be confident, and speak without fear.
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