Today I interview Natalia Price, who shares her journey of overcoming silence and fear to embrace her voice and power. Growing up in South America, Natalia experienced a childhood marked by bullying and cultural expectations that kept her quiet and compliant. Moving to the United States at age 10, she became aware of new possibilities for women’s empowerment but struggled to break free from old patterns.
Natalia shares the deep inner work that transformed her fear of speaking into her greatest strength. Through shadow work and exploration of ancestral trauma, she uncovered the roots of her fear and began to
alchemize it into confidence. Her journey illustrates how meeting fear head-on can lead to profound personal and spiritual growth.
In this episode, Natalia invites us to reflect on how collective and personal histories shape our voices. She emphasizes the power of slowing down, tuning into the heart, and connecting with sacred feminine energy to find clarity and purpose. Her message is a call to embrace authentic expression and contribute to a more balanced and empowered world.
Natalia Price is a women’s spiritual empowerment mentor, ordained priestess, and facilitator of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She facilitates transformation through one-on-one mentorship, the year-long Priestess Initiate Circle, the Embodied Ritual Leadership Program, and community Moon Circles.
Natalia supports women in unlocking their potential and honing their skills to lead with authenticity and purpose. She merges archetypal psychology, women’s empowerment, and spiritual leadership to help women find their authentic voice, trust their intuitive wisdom, and offer their gifts to the world with clarity and confidence.
Passionate about the feminine rising movement, Natalia sees it as a powerful force for rebalancing our planet and creating meaningful change to seed a new world.
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Find Your Voice, Change Your Life Podcast
Podcast Host: Dr. Doreen Downing
Free Guide to Fearless Speaking:
Episode # 151 Natalia Price
“Awakening Sacred Feminine Energy to Empower Women”
(00:00) Doreen Downing: Hi, this is Dr. Doreen Downing, host of the Find Your Voice, Change Your Life podcast. And I am very, very happy today to introduce you to somebody that I’m just meeting myself, Natalia Price. We had a few minutes beforehand, and I could already tell that her healing powers are amazing.
Today is kind of a hard day. It’s election time in the United States, and the aftermath of an election moment, and she’s already sent some wonderful energy just by being together, so I’m sure those of you who are listening today, whether you’re watching or you’re listening on the platform, whatever platform you use, will feel a new sense of possibility, I guess is the word I’ll put for right now.
I think any moment in time is the beginning of the next moment, right? But today has a powerful moment that really needs to move forward, so hello, Natalia. I will read your bio in a moment, but I just wanted to have your glorious face in front of me.
(01:13) Natalia Price: Such a joy to be here with you, Doreen.
(01:16) Doreen Downing: Good. Let’s see. Let me get your bio popped up here. It’s a little long, but I want to read it because it does feel like it represents who you are nowadays. Natalia Price is a woman’s spiritual empowerment mentor, ordained priestess, and facilitator of the 13 Moon Mystery School, and she facilitates transformation through one-on-one mentorship, the year-long Priestess Initiate Circle, embodied ritual leadership program, and community Moon Circles.
Natalia supports women in unlocking their potential and honing their skills to lead with authenticity and purpose, merging archetypical—I know that’s not quite how we say it. I am a psychologist, so I should be able to say that—but merging archetypal psychology, women’s empowerment, and spiritual leadership to enable women in finding their authentic voice, trusting their intuitive wisdom, and offering their gifts in the world with clarity, and confidence.
She’s passionate about the feminine rising movement being a force for rebalancing our planet and creating real change to seed a new world. Do I need to even go further? That’s just, I mean, hello folks, this is, I just read who she is. Now it’s good to interact with Natalia so you get the real live person with me today. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining us.
(03:02) Natalia Price: Yay. Blessed be. Thank you.
(03:05) Doreen Downing: How was that listening to such a marvelous acknowledgement of you?
(03:12) Natalia Price: It inspires me to walk that talk.
(03:17) Doreen Downing: Already, I got little chills on my body. I am just so already falling into this wonderful orb that you’ve created here today. And your backdrop is kind of an orb, isn’t it? So, what I like to do, the podcast is usually divided into first finding out some of the history because obviously you were born the being that you are, but we are born in circumstances that begin to challenge and shape us early on, so that when we grow up and if we process it, heal from it, we become stronger, stronger, stronger.
So, let’s start with anything you have to say about your early life, coming into it and finding your voice, not having a voice, that kind of inquiry to start with.
(04:10) Natalia Price: When as a child growing up in South America, we moved around a lot and I felt like it was all about us, well, for myself, about just being the good girl and just following what was needed, going along with the program.
And I had two older brothers that really bullied me a lot, but definitely in the relationship with my mother and father, it wasn’t modeled to me about women speaking up or women having confrontation or going against the grain, so I unconsciously took on a lot of that people-pleasing or pretending to be happy a lot.
It really wasn’t until we moved to the States, when I was about 10, 11, that I could see the bigger ways this was playing out and seeing this whole women’s empowerment movement, seeing the ways that it really rubbed up and challenged me on many levels.
(05:06) Doreen Downing: And that was at age 10, you already started to—
(05:10) Natalia Price: Because I really saw the difference in living in South America and in the States, then I started to see how I was playing out the old story that here was a different kind of way that women could show up, but I just didn’t know how to.
As I got older and especially in college, I would see other women that would speak up and be very eloquent and women leaders, and I would just be in awe and be like, how can they do that? Where do they get that confidence from?
Not only that presence that they would hold in a room, and I’d just be in complete, like, what is this thing? How do you get this thing?
(05:49) Doreen Downing: I love what you just did right there. For those who are listening and not able to watch, Natalia just did this gesture with her hand that came down in front of her body, and it looked like kind of a sense of grounded beingness, although it was your hand bringing energy down. In your expression, I already feel a lot of excitement about what you were learning early on.
But before we go too far into what you were excited about, I want to go back just to touch on some of the struggle. I know that you mentioned it, but I think a lot of listeners do grow up in families with brothers who might be bullying and parents or a mom that doesn’t really model the kind of strength we, as young girls, need.
Do you have any stories of early life, when you were still back in South America?
(06:45) Natalia Price: When I look back now and I see the moments that I was invited to step up at school to speak in front of others, the level of fear that would grip me that I didn’t quite understand, and later as I got older, I kind of went back and would go underneath and do a deeper psychoanalysis of my own shadow work and what was there, but this deeper fear of being humiliated and deep fear of being judged that now, I can look back and see that it really started in my family or there was some aspect of whenever I would speak up that I would get silenced and shut down, in a way that then I would just make myself more palpable or thinking, “Oh, if I’m just really nice and sweet, everything will be okay, that I won’t get hurt,” then even deeper, because later in my life, I became a performer in dance, and doing ritual theater, but it wasn’t in using my voice.
Then when it would come time to speak, whenever I was asked or invited to, I would get so nervous. I would almost be shaking and I would feel like the blood would just rush up and down my body. I would just completely go blank. It would be so debilitating and I would really be like, what’s going on here? Is it really just from being bullied as a child or my childhood things?
In doing deeper shadow work and going within myself, I actually was able to take it back into past lives, where I had been completely silenced and forced to not speak my truth in the times of the witch-burning times, that it wasn’t me that was actually killed, but I realized that to survive and to keep living, I had to stay quiet and do what was needed and not speak my truth, my power or the wisdom that I held.
(08:45) Doreen Downing: I’m pretty speechless right now, just amazed that you were able to go so deep and so far within your own journey to be here on this planet and discover that it’s just always— it’s been there for a long, long time. You just didn’t pop into this world. Your voice was already strangled when you came into this world. That’s what you’re telling me. And so, you’re in this environment and you’re not getting good feedback, mirroring back and saying, “Yay, you! You’re so strong. You’re so wonderful. Stand up and express yourself.” And then the brothers who are teasing, bullying—I mean, were they physical with you?
(09:39) Natalia Price: Yes, also.
(09:39) Doreen Downing: Like pushing?
(09:42) Natalia Price: Yes, pushing and then a lot of just like shaming or being put down. That just felt so disempowering, right? Realizing, oh, if I just stay quiet, everything is so much easier and better. If I just smile or, especially being praised for the feminine qualities of smiling, or the beauty way, or if when I’m in service, this is where I can find my worthiness, which I feel, as women, this has been so deeply ingrained in us.
I feel a lot of the feminine that we’ve taken on this aspect from what history has shown us that women were silenced, like this whole time of the witch burning times that went on for over 300 years that we have of recorded history in Western Europe.
We don’t even know what was before that, where the feminine was really erased, and where women were pitted against each other, or betraying one another to stay alive, and that any women that knew anything about herbs, plants, the own property that knew about the planets, were systematically taken out.
For the women that did survive, this goes into us and gets passed on, and even now that we know the study of epigenetics, that it’s in our DNA, that it’s in our genes, this fear of speaking forward.
(11:09) Doreen Downing: Oh, it’s deep.
(11:10) Natalia Price: So many women, right? We are all right here. We’re cut off in our throat, this great fear to stay alive, right? It served its purpose to assist us. That playing small allowed us to stay alive.
(11:24) Doreen Downing: Yes, and I’m pretty excited now and thinking of—yes, stay alive, that there was a point—I mean, we could go back and say, Oh, there was something that stopped us from being ourselves, but maybe the stopping is part of the fight, the healing, and the finding more.
Also, what I’m getting from you is that there’s both the personal that you’re talking about, but also something that relates to the whole community and the history. Both is what I’m getting from you today, and I feel like there’s layers. There’s Natalia layer, just meeting you and what you know and what you’re bringing, but then you’re moving into you further back, deeper into, not just your own story, your own life, but it feels like you’re opening up for our listeners today. This big breath of, “Oh my goodness. No wonder.” No wonder it’s so scary to express yourself, and we aren’t talking about a microphone on a stage necessarily, it’s speaking up to people who are bullying us.
(12:40) Natalia Price: And in so many ways, also, not to just get caught up in our own story, our own trauma, or the poor me, or that I need to go in and do all this work on myself, that it’s in our lineages, at all women, whether it was done specifically to us, in our own personal stories, but as the feminine on the planet and so much of the rising of the feminine. This whole movement is about us clearing all those greater blockages.
(13:09) Doreen Downing: Yes. Thank you. I think that’s what I’m picking up already today is that your voice is not just about, “Hey, look at me.” It’s about, “Hey, we’ve all been through something together, whether we know it or not.”
(13:27) Natalia Price: And how do we now come together, and lift each other up, and support each other through this clearing, through this empowerment, through this awakening that’s happening for the planet.
(13:40) Doreen Downing: Awakening, clearing, empowering. Aren’t those wonderful words? Awakening, clearing, empowering, but go on. Yes. In fact, it feels like moving into your own moment where you started to do the “Aha!” I know it was coming to the United States but also it seems like you were in a new kind of environment. What, what were some of the waking up that you did?
(14:12) Natalia Price: I feel the deeper initiation was really when I met my mentor, my teacher, and dove into the 13 Moon Mystery School and doing this deeper women’s empowerment work of getting to see myself working with the divine feminine archetypes. That’s the work of the 13 Moon Mystery School, where we are able to see ourselves from these different phases of what it really means to be a woman at this time, and what we’re being called forward to, and a lot of that is working with this archetypal psychology of the shadow work of looking at what are my blocks and not necessarily that I have to see exactly where they came from, from some trauma or something that happened in childhood, but where am I at now, to alchemize, to transmute that, use those blocks to empower us and lift us up.
(15:07) Doreen Downing: I’m thinking about a process, as a psychologist, that is the taking, to me, it feels like I can take people back to moments, but what I’m taking people back to or with is not—it’s more of what’s possible now, the openness, the curiosity, the power of who we are now, goes back to those moments, and brings an energy that then transforms that original pain.
That’s kind of how I see healing that we don’t just go back because it’s called repetition for a reason. We don’t ignore it. I do think that the shadow work that you’re talking about is really necessary to know ourselves.
And yes, it doesn’t have to come back to big brother bullying, but it is even deeper as you’ve been telling us. It’s about histories, eons, centuries.
(16:07) Natalia Price: But it’s so important to just, one, recognize it and be with what’s there, right? Be with that pain, be with the discomfort, and see what was its medicine?
(16:19) Doreen Downing: Oh, I like that. What was its medicine?
(16:20) Natalia Price: What did I learn from this? How did it serve me?
(16:23) Doreen Downing: Can I have you show up at my sessions? That’s exactly, the whole point is, well, how did it serve you? And people would say, “No, it didn’t.” It was just a horrible experience, but that kind of “ooh” that I just saw in your face about there’s something in it.
(16:44) Natalia Price: I feel for so many of us when we’re doing that work that we realize our traumas and our shadows, what appeared to hold us back, then actually end up being the thing that catalyzes us forward, that empowers us. So, for me, finding that I was so blocked in my throat and my speaking, and from doing this deeper work and the deeper shadow work, and then showing up and being invited to speak and meeting that fear over and over that I was able to see, actually, this is where my power is, actually, in speaking.
That’s why I could see it in all these other women, because it was the thing that I had, that I am. Once I was able to really alchemize that and lift it up and then really bring it together with this whole movement of the rising of the feminine and my desire to empower more women to be able to rise up and find their truth and power sooner than it took me to finally step into this in my 40s. That’s what also catalyzes and pushes me forward to keep stepping through my fears over and over.
(17:56) Doreen Downing: I like a couple of words you’re using, definitely the alchemy of what it takes to transform something. I’ve been hearing that in your message today, but you take me to a point about, if you can just be with the pain—and I did a process on having my father who was an alcoholic be in a scene in the family where everybody’s laughing. It’s kind of a party, but I know I’m hearing something else, Natalia. I do not feel it’s gay and joyful. And sure enough, that was the night he left the family. I didn’t see him for many, many, many years. But this question that you asked, or is like—you got a friend there, somebody who wants to be seen also on camera here.
But what that brought to me was my power of listening, what I bring into the work that I’ve done and chosen is a deep kind of listener. That being curious about, well, what did that give you? And alchemy, let’s go into how, what is alchemy and how does anybody do that?
(19:10) Natalia Price: Well, what I’m really speaking to is—
(19:12) Doreen Downing: A doing, actually? Is it a doing?
(19:14) Natalia Price: Right. There you go. And it’s that spiritual alchemy that so much of that whole era they were speaking to. We think it was about changing base metals into gold, but it was that doing, that internal work, so that we can rise up and live our consciousness and come out of any of those limiting belief systems, or old stories, or those patterns that keep the trauma playing out for ourselves.
And how do we really find it through that path of self-love, of self-acceptance, that, yes, these pieces live in me, or this was done to me. And yet now, as an adult, I can make another choice.
(19:56) Doreen Downing: Yes. It’s not denying. It’s the opposite of accepting, as you just used. She persisted.
(20:09) Natalia Price: Yes, right. Over and over, you meet that fear and trembling, and think, no, what I have to offer here, what I’m here to do, or my purpose, is bigger than the fear.
(20:22) Doreen Downing: Lovely. Well, we’re moving into more of what you’re doing nowadays, but let me first take a break. We’ll be right back.
Hi, we’re back with Natalia Price, who’s captivating me with not only alchemy and what it actually means in terms of change—changing our sense of self—but also how we sometimes get locked into an identity based on what someone else laid on us or the environment we arrived in. Natalia talked about being born in South America, moving to the United States, and having an awakening, you might say.
And that’s one of the things we’re talking about today: how do we awaken to the more? So, we’re back. Hi. So, awakening to the more. Natalia, whatever you want to say about that.
(21:25) Natalia Price: I feel right now, in the midst of so much challenge happening in the world, it’s really about us doing the inner work, coming inside, and stilling the mind.
And feeling, what is within me? Especially as women, getting in touch with what is this sacred feminine that we are. We are all being called at this time to step forward in a new way that serves us far beyond any of the old models of what it meant to come forward in leadership.
We’re ushering in this new consciousness, this new blueprint of what it is to be human. In light of all the drama, separation, and polarity happening around us, I feel that so many of us carry the medicine of the sacred feminine in many ways. We are carrying these new seeds forward in our businesses, in our offerings, in our relationships, and especially in our leadership.
I believe it’s really women’s time to step up and rebalance our world. We see what the patriarchy has done to our planet, to our world, to our education, and to our medical systems. It’s about women empowering themselves by really finding out who they are and being called to their sacred purpose unapologetically.
(22:53) Doreen Downing: Purpose. What if that phrase, sacred purpose, resonates with all the listeners out there right now? Just coming back to your own senses. I know Natalia does this with her hand. She starts at the top and brings her hand down in front of her body. That gesture signals to me, oh, just come back to yourself, get centered. It reminds me, take a breath, come back. I’m here now.
And I love the encouragement you’re giving to women—being powerful. You’re calling it the sacred feminine, which gives it a little more juice than just “wake up as women.” We’re waking up as the sacred feminine.
(23:44) Natalia Price: This is an aspect that men have within themselves that has been repressed for so long—the sacred feminine that lives within all of us.
What’s happening now is a new process. I believe it’s like a transmutation and an energetic return of the sacred feminine consciousness on our planet. It’s moving us into a huge new planetary cycle that is calling each one of us, male or female, to harness and sharpen our visions and imaginations and to craft a new way of moving in the world and running everything—businesses, systems, everything.
I feel it’s that deeper, soul-centered part of all of us that’s being called forward right now to reclaim our humanity and freedom when we come together, releasing the labels and narratives that hold us back.
Yes, I feel success for our planet and world, even in the light of this election, is about being of service to the earth and being in the right relationship with this web of life. It’s about tending to our own hearts and what’s real for each of us.
(25:12) Doreen Downing:
(25:13) Natalia Price: By doing that inner work of coming within, of slowing it down, right?
(25:17) Doreen Downing: Ooh, you just did it right there—slowing it down. You did it instantly. That heart gesture you do, when you bring your hand down, it also brings me to my heart. That’s what you’re talking about, the heartfulness, where we can really energetically and truly have more of a connection.
I know that right now I feel connected because I’m listening to you, I’m being with you, but this deeper kind of awe, of taking this breath of heart—oh yes, you and I are connected through this energy of heart.
(26:02) Natalia Price: The 13 Moon Mystery School I’m a part of works with somatic and embodiment movements to really drop out of the mind and into the heart. This is the main movement we do—we bring the hand down, call ourselves down and into the heart to rebalance.
When I find myself speeding up, this practice helps me become the witness, so I can respond instead of reacting to the world.
(26:41) Doreen Downing: Yes. I certainly picked up on that because it came across metaphorically as well as quite literally. We’re getting close to the end, so I want to make sure to talk about any upcoming events you have or something you want to share today with us—a freebie or a way for people to find you. We want more of you. How can we do that?
(27:10) Natalia Price: Oh, beautiful. Thank you. I have a freebie that invites people to do rituals and ceremonies on their own, taking them through a step-by-step process for whatever they want to manifest in their life.
I have that with you somewhere and will send you the link.
(27:27) Doreen Downing: Okay.
(27:28) Natalia Price: Starting right now is the Embodied Ritual Leadership Program, an eight-week program designed to empower women to step into dynamic feminine leadership and embodied facilitation. It offers the tools and foundations to confidently guide their own ceremonies, circles, or one-on-one sessions with clients.
The program helps participants drop into the heart and truly learn the art of ritual facilitation. It includes the inner work needed to clear blockages, overcome imposter syndrome and perfectionism, and step into authentic leadership.
(28:08) Doreen Downing: Yes. I really understand that authentic leadership is just a step away if you’ve done the other steps prior to it. You don’t just go from here to there. There’s a beautiful awakening, as you said earlier, and an opening. It’s also a moving process.
I love this idea of embodiment you’re speaking about—it doesn’t happen up here. Change or awareness might give us insight, but it’s about how we embody it. I’m doing it right now, opening my chest, right? How do we embody it, open our arms to life, and live it?
We get to create. You said craft and create earlier, and that’s something I’m taking with me today.
(29:08) Natalia Price: I feel like it’s weaving the heart and mind so we can step forward and take action from a compassionate, centered place.
(29:17) Doreen Downing: Yes. Yes.
(29:19) Natalia Price: That reclamation of who we are—all aspects of ourselves—brings us back to that feminine compass of intuition and heart knowing. It doesn’t need to be all about the mental story.
(29:34) Doreen Downing: Yes, heart knowing. I feel like this is just the beginning of getting to know you, and people are going to be searching you out and joining your rituals. I look forward to having people do that, and I look forward to it myself—downloading and doing it.
By myself, it opens me up to other people too. It feels like it’s not just me sitting in my own little box doing it. It connects me—it feels like it connects me to other women. The more I come into my own feminine energy, sacred energy, it feels like there’s a resonance.
That’s the word I’m thinking of—it feels like it reaches other people too. Like what you’ve done today, you’re resonating here, something about reaching us more deeply. Well, we’re going to close, but I want to take an easy, gentle breath and open up to listen to what might want to be said before we close.
(30:53) Natalia Price: I feel like this process of finding our voice and being able to step forward with confidence and clarity requires deeper diving within. It’s about discovering our own medicine and gifts, and then embodying them in our unique expression—whether through ritual, ceremony, or the sacred.
But it really takes coming home within and getting in touch with each one of our sacred feminine hearts.
(31:28) Doreen Downing: Wow. Thank you. Sacred feminine heart. That could be the title of this episode. Thank you so much, Natalia.
(31:39) Natalia Price: Oh, thank you. Blessed be. It’s such a joy. Yes. Thank you for the work you’re doing, empowering so many people to find their voice and confidence.
(31:49) Doreen Downing: Yes, and that’s what I show up to do—invite guests like you to guide others and give someone like you a platform to say, “Hey world, here’s a way.” Thank you.
(32:13) Natalia Price: Awesome.
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Podcast host, Dr. Doreen Downing, helps people find their voice so they can overcome anxiety, be confident, and speak without fear.
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Podcast host, Dr. Doreen Downing, helps people find their voice so they can overcome anxiety, be confident, and speak without fear.
Get started now on your journey to your authentic voice by downloading my Free 7 Step Guide to Fearless Speaking: