Today, I interview Rita Bocuzzi, who grew up in a household where she was told to be seen and not heard, and especially never to ask questions about things that were not “her concern”–especially those about money. Rita’s curiosity and boldness to speak was stunted and suppressed during most of her young childhood.
Rita was naturally driven to learn about finances and how to manage them well. She saved her money and became independent and continued to educate herself on the financial world, and now she is thrilled to share her insights with others who want to take charge of their futures and feel the same sense of empowerment she has found.
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Find Your Voice, Change Your Life Podcast
Podcast Host: Dr. Doreen Downing
Free Guide to Fearless Speaking:
Episode #31 Rita Bocuzzi
“Making Life an Open Conversation”
(00:35) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Hi, this is Dr. Doreen Downing and I’m here today with the Find Your Voice, Change Your Life podcast. And for my listeners, I first want to say how much I appreciate everyone going to give me five-star reviews and really great words of congratulations. So, we have way over two dozen reviews and we have lots of people subscribing, I’ve had almost 1,000 downloads in just a couple of months. So that means you listeners are really starting to love tuning in and getting to hear my guests. So, my guests, they always seem to have some kind of history where there was a struggle with speaking up, maybe it happened to be about public speaking anxiety, but not necessarily. You know, life is a context and you’ve got to show up. And if you don’t have a voice, whatever that context is, you can’t express yourself you can’t be heard and can’t be seen and those are negative for you in many, many sorts of ways, not just your career, but for yourself esteem. Today, I’m really excited to introduce you to my new friend and her name is Rita Bocuzzi, and she’s a financial intelligence expert. And she’s passionately committed to guiding successful entrepreneurs and business owners to achieve financial peace of mind. Ooh, that just makes me start to relax– financial peace of mind, as well as transform money conversations and release money confusion regarding, well, money and wealth right? Rita is a proven professional who shares a revolutionary life-changing approach for rapid transformation to flourish financially. I like that phrase flourish financially. Mama Rita Money is CEO of Flourish Incorporated. She leads Wine, Women and Wealth and It’s No Secret to Be Wealthy workshops. And her signature Mama Rita Money Empowerment Movement, boot camps, where money over mindset mastery meets money skills mastery in holistic approach. Well Rita that was a lot of lot of words there. But I think hopefully people heard how impactful you are when it comes to transforming our relationship to money. And we’ll hear more about that a little bit later. Because obviously, you somehow found your voice and now teaching people but let’s start, let’s just start as far back as you can go around your own sense and your own memory about your own development of yourself and your voice.
(03:34) Rita Bocuzzi:
Thank you so much, Dr. Doreen. I am so super excited to be here. Because it’s true that I had to find my voice. I don’t even know that I ever had one in the beginning. Right. As a child growing up, we were seen and not heard. Because that’s what my parents were taught. And so they carried that over. And that’s what we were taught. And I’m going to say as a little girl who was very inquisitive, that was extremely challenging for me, because I would ask questions. I was very curious about a lot of things growing up. And I always wanted to speak out and always wanted to ask questions. And I would be met with, “it’s not appropriate. It’s not polite for young ladies to ask questions,” (specifically around money). And I would be stopped. I mean, we were we would sit at the dinner table every night. And we were to be seen and not heard. So much going on in life and you have so many questions growing up and already I think at that point, I almost felt like a little bit of a rebellious nature because I felt like I had so much to say or so much to learn about. And in school, which was my outlet, that is where I would start talking a lot. And so, then guess what happens? Well, if you talk too much in class, you get in trouble. So, the notices get sent home or you get sent to the office. So here I am, as I’m growing from being at home as a little girl, and then going to elementary and being told, I’m to be seen and not heard. Yep, seen and not heard. And then you go to school, and you’re told you’re not supposed to talk. It’s like, where, where? Where do you really, really, really go?
(05:48) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Oh, what a great moment to open the show with is that dilemma of a young, little female, who’s obviously because I know you, you have a great spirit, you must have had it when you came out into this world in the first place. And there you are, trapped, is what it feels like in a family that has certain kinds of values. I mean, we aren’t blaming them. But we’re saying that was the effect on you was to make you feel like you had to really, what, almost hide under the table, not even or to sit up straight and be still. And so, what did they– did they talk about anything? The parents, your parents?
(06:32) Rita Bocuzzi:
No, I mean, they would have discussions, but their discussions would be amongst them. Right? So, I mean, my dad would talk about work, and you know, what, basically what was needed to be done. So, it’s things to do. But other than that, it was, there was no other real outside discussions. And you’re right, feeling trapped is a great way– it’s so funny that you said hiding under the table, because I do remember as a little girl, sometimes hiding under the table, literally, because I felt like I was invisible. I felt like I wasn’t ever going to be seen or heard. So, I just figured I might as well not be seen and heard. And so sometimes I would hide under the table. I don’t know if that also came from being a middle child, right? You have the adult sibling, and then you have the little, the younger sibling, and then you’re in the middle. But with our cultural background, I was there as the female to help and aid my mom. See,, observe, and learn by seeing and listening. Not asking questions.
(07:47) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Did you have brothers?
(07:49) Rita Bocuzzi:
I had two: I was the middle girl.
(07:52) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Right! That’s what it sounds like, that you trained into being a woman who paid attention? Yes…
(07:58) Rita Bocuzzi:
…to what, what men needed or what a household needed. That’s what I was being trained. And it did feel like being trapped. And then yes, then you go to school. And there’s this whole outlet of other people. And here again, I needed to learn how to manage that but wasn’t doing it because I didn’t know how. I never had any other outlet. So, I think, I think my inquisitive nature just didn’t stop because there had to be a way, it just couldn’t be that way. And so, I would just continue getting in trouble is really what would happen is you know, every report card my mom actually kind of almost now proudly says, you know, every report card is “nice little girl, but talks too much.”
(08:45) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Oh my, oh, my. But talks too much. And for your parents, it must have been kind of what is this? She doesn’t say anything at the dinner table, but they don’t realize they’re the ones who have made the rule. And yet here she is talkative.
(09:00) Rita Bocuzzi:
I think for them is like, you just listen and you obey. And if you sit quiet you’re supposed to do– you’re told to sit quiet. That’s what you do. So learning was through observing and listening only. But I always felt like I had this emotional outlet that I needed. I mean, I my parents, I think it was challenging for them because culturally it was– they were in a new country. They were first, they were here and I was a first generation born. So new world new rules, new exposures. So, I think that they were learning at the same time. The things that I did learn from them, you know, definitely was in their modeling of working hard, doing our best, respecting our elders, being disciplined. In continuing just continuing that process, when it came to money, it was sitting down with your money weekly, and making sure accounts were in order. My father and mother always did that together, because my father always believed my mom, just in case something ever happened to him, she should know what was going on. But we weren’t supposed to know, because that was the adult business of money. And so, when I would ask those kinds of questions, yeah, I would be told, it’s none of your business. And it’s, it’s not appropriate for you to be asking these questions, but I never understood, like, why. I was just curious. I was trying to understand how the world worked, because there’s this elusive thing, money. And, and so I think that also piqued my curiosity more to learn more about it.
(10:43) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Yes. I like that insight about something that was, well, it wasn’t necessarily forbidden, but almost. And yeah, there was like a barrier, and they put up the roadblock. And you, you’re just, “what is it? What is it? What is it?” So great, that will that will inform us as we move on, and talk more a little bit later around what you do around money, but so you’re in that family, you’re in schools, and you’re growing up, and you keep your curiosity, thank goodness. But what happens next?
(11:21) Rita Bocuzzi:
As I grew, honestly, I, I really was trying to figure a way out financially, because I wanted to escape to be on my own. I wanted to be completely independent, and not reliant on rules that somebody else was making, for me, especially as, you know, evolving into a young adult. And I actually went, like, when I went to high school, I did– well, I had I struggled honestly, in school, I got C’s and B’s and worked hard for them. But I knew that if I did well enough in my classes, that my senior year, I would have to take only one course for my whole senior year, and then the rest of the day would be free. Well, I know a lot of kids would do that. And they’d go run off and go do other fun things. But my goal was to be financially independent and have a year’s worth of money to pay rent, and to be on my own, so that if something happened, I wouldn’t have to go back and beg for help. So, I went to work and got a job without my parents knowing.
(12:30) Dr. Doreen Downing:
How old were you?
(12:31) Rita Bocuzzi:
I was, I think, like 16 or 17 years old.
(12:35) Dr. Doreen Downing:
And so, what was the job?
(12:38) Rita Bocuzzi:
It’s so cool because when I think about it, now, it was an American Sun solar company, when solar wasn’t a thing like it is today. So that was, you know, 30 plus years ago, and I was in sales, and I did really well, because it was a cool, innovative new way for people to get energy and back then it was really, really expensive to do. And there were no city, you know, alliances and things like that.
(13:10) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Yes. Well, the whole idea of solar of all things to be in, in in terms of a metaphor, to you know, the sun.
(13:19) Rita Bocuzzi:
Yeah, I mean, it was definitely a way out until I got caught and got in trouble. And basically, I just told them fine. You know, again, being the rebel, fine. If you don’t let me have this job, then I’m just gonna drop out of school and find another one. I just won’t even do it. Like, I won’t even continue going to school. I’ll just go to work. And so actually, at that point, my dad ended up finding me a job with someone he knew. So, he knew more about what I was doing, because the sun solar was different. I did put money aside, I did save my money I had been saving my money. I had– I saved enough money that my dad was like, proud of me, actually. And he’s like, “Well, you need to start setting up your retirement plan at 18.” And so I did, I went and saved, put my money set up my first retirement account back then. And then by the time I was– and I was going to college and working always college and working, because I really wanted to be– I wasn’t independent yet. So, I bought my first condo, my first property when I was 21 years old. On my own, I’m gonna tease because time and history, back then I was super excited to have an interest rate of 16.86.
(14:46) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Isn’t that something? Oh, my.
(14:49) Rita Bocuzzi:
Right? Oh my, and what are they today?
(14:51) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Yes, yes.
(14:52) Rita Bocuzzi:
You know, and that was the right time and the right thing to do at that time, which was really, really great and wonderful to do. And then I ended up meeting my spouse, and, which was interesting because I had not wanted to get married. I wanted to wait till I was in my mid-20s and had my career going, I’m gonna say, and sometimes we can say life is going to turn out one way. And it turns out in a different way, in a good way.
(15:22) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Well, you certainly have a feisty spirit, and you obviously stepped into a relationship. And what was that?
(15:36) Rita Bocuzzi:
What was interesting, it was a relationship, like my dad was– I went to Italy, actually, to kind of see what my family was like at the time. Because I wanted to understand why culturally, my parents were imposing the things that they did and got to have the experience. But even before I left, my father says to me, “don’t meet anybody and get married,” because I was like, 21,22. And back then you’re 30, some of us were still getting married in those ages. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, never, ever, ever. Am I going to do that? Don’t even worry about it. It’s just not. It’s just not happening.
(16:12) Dr. Doreen Downing:
So did you mean an Italian?
(16:15) Rita Bocuzzi:
And so I did meet for my parents hometown, and an awesome, wonderful man who listened to me. And we’ve been married now 31 years, that was just an interesting experience to see the different experiences in the world of how people socialize. So, what was really different there than here, I mean, to say, people are heard, I think culturally, it’s really beautiful. Because, you know, they go to school together. In the midafternoon, families get to have their dinner together. So, there’s family talk around the table, and everybody talks, and everybody is heard and being listened to. And then in the evening, everybody goes out after their work. So, they have their midday, so to say siesta, and then they go back to work. They’re talking to their coworkers, but then in the evening, they would go out in what’s called villa right in the villa in the piazza. And women would hang out typically with the women and talk the girls, right, and the guys would hang out with the guys. So, they got time. And this is everybody, the parents, the kids, everybody got to hang around with their peers, and exchange, different conversation. So, I feel like they got the best of both worlds in that aspect, which is really different than being here in the US.
(17:40) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Yes, one of the things that you’re saying I think is important for the listeners is that having places where you “practice”, I’m putting quotes around it, but it’s, it’s learning earlier on how to use your voice, and the more environments you can find, and it sounds like, you know, school for some people can be that. But for you, it wasn’t, and then you go clear across the universe to– well, it seems like the universe, Italy– and you find a whole new way of relating that then gives you permission to speak. And not only that, you find a man who listens to you in such a way that you guys fall in love.
(18:27) Rita Bocuzzi:
Right? And then, you know, just, I’m gonna say fast forwarding on when we got married, and you know, there were a lot of learning lessons on the way. You know, you have life events and learning how to cope with them, one of which was tragic loss of my older brother, which actually shifted my position as a middle child, to oldest child, which is interesting, because he and I had a lot of great communication. So, when he was gone, that was my one communicator, really, that we could identify with each other. And so that was challenging. And I think being married really helped that for me. And I just learned how to cope. And basically, you know, we just went on with, you know, we– I was finishing my education, we were starting a family, a new life, learning how to, to work and move around the world without ever really understanding it was just kind of like stepping in the doing all the time. Because we weren’t taught about all of this. And I’m gonna say all along, you know, I think we say it a lot. People say, “Gosh, somebody should have taught us about this, would have been nice.” Or, “if I knew this 20 years earlier. I could have avoided some pitfalls that I went through right now.” I’m gonna say that’s a common thing that I felt along the way not just for myself but from other people that I believe led me to do what I do now. I actually worked in the medical industry. So, I loved being with patients, and having that communication, right. So, when I moved into corporate, and got promoted into an office, I, again felt like I lost my voice. Again, I think that’s why I struggled.
(20:20) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Say a little bit more about the corporate environment and losing your voice.
(20:25) Rita Bocuzzi:
Ooh, the corporate environment and losing my voice. I think that one was probably the most challenging as compared to when I was a child, because I felt like I was being treated the same way. Right? You’re seen, you’re only heard when you’re spoken to, really, because in some corporate environments, you become like a number. And when you feel become like being just a number of, “hey, only share the information that you need to when you want to”, I mean, I remember even when one day, I was an executive administrative assistant to a vice president in a company. I remember saying to her, you know, “how are you” and she’s just like, “fine”, every day, it was just fine. And one day, I was not having a good day. I was having a major struggle. And I just said, “You know what, I’m not doing really great right now. And I’m just, I’m having a hard time, but I’m doing my very best.” She goes, “You know what? I don’t really care. Ah, it’s just, I’m asking how you are just like a cordial. ‘Hello.’ I really don’t care how you exactly are.”
(21:44) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Just take a moment. Let me take a breath on that one. Yeah. Oh, my, oh, my. Yes. “I don’t care.”
(21:51) Rita Bocuzzi:
And she meant it. Yeah, I meant it that way. We’re here to do work. We’re not here to care about other people’s feelings. Yeah. That just blew my mind. Probably, unbeknownst to me, was making me have triggers from when I was a little girl that I had no voice. Even being in corporate, I remember being, you know, going to corporate meetings and making suggestions. And I was actually the scribe, if you will, or historian. And I would come with ideas to help things. And they would be like, “that’s okay. You know, we don’t need that information right now.” And then going back to subsequent meetings, where another supervisor that was in the meeting would come with a brand spanking new idea and get a promotion. And I, I remember going, “wait a minute, I have documented in our notes that I was the one that discussed that. I’m the one who shared that. Why is this even happening?” And then I would get written up insubordination for even bringing it to the forefront.
(22:58) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Oh, my goodness. What a challenge. And it sort of sounds like in finding your voice, you first had to recognize how much you didn’t have a voice and these sound like all kind of episodes that built up. And what would you say was the final “Aha, let me out of here!”?
(23:17) Rita Bocuzzi:
It took a lot, I’m gonna say. So, the final “AHA” is the health the toll it took on my health. And what that ended up looking like was tonsillar lymphoma, which is a lymphatic cancer of my tonsils. And ending up having to go through chemo and radiation. Like, right, in my throat, right?
(23:45) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Yeah, you’re what they call the throat chakra. Right? That’s where you were, yeah, voice comes through there. And it was not coming through. Oh, wow. Yes.
(23:55) Rita Bocuzzi:
And it took it really literally took that because I kept on going with the mindset of, I can still do this, I can still make this happen. I’ve got a family to take care of. And I would put myself in second place always because oh my gosh, I felt like a second-class citizen. I was. And it took away all my confidence. And so, actually, during my time at corporate, I was like, Okay, I can’t, I can’t control this. And I do have to have this job to help take care of my family. But along the way, I thought, I’ve got to learn something else, because this is not my future. What was a driver for me to learn around? The one thing that people weren’t talking about that kept on being complained about day in and day out? How can we don’t have money education? How can we don’t know more about money? Like where can we learn? How come schools are doing this? And why– I felt like it would hear that over and over again. And I also felt that with my own kids, because I could see that I could teach them, you know, how to do their laundry, clean up after themselves cook. So even at middle school in high school, my kids, pretty much were self-sufficient. But when I got cancer, I realized I was stuck, I couldn’t go to work anymore. My husband had to help me. And he was in sales, which mean he wasn’t working. So, our income took huge hits. And I went from getting financial cancer, I mean, from getting cancer to getting financial cancer. But it actually was more in my mind first, because I felt like a financial burden, even though I wasn’t. Yes, things change financially. But my belief is that really, we get to take a step back, and just whatever happens to us, we’re never a burden, we’re actually a present or a gift that gives people the opportunity to give.
(26:10) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Oh, that’s a beautiful mindset. Really…
(26:13) Rita Bocuzzi:
Ten months to get to that mindset.
(26:15) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Yeah, but you, you found yourself there, finally. And that, to me, is what you know so deeply, because of your life experience. And now that just anybody who works with you feels like they can trust that you’ve got deep awareness, deep experience, and you know financial cancer is the word the, the phrase you used, right, say something more about that, financial cancer.
(26:48) Rita Bocuzzi:
So what I realized, you know, as I had been studying, but not necessarily self-teaching, right, trying to figure out who can teach me around money without me having to spend 10s of 1000s of dollars, or go back to a four year college to graduate with the degree like most people were graduating, and coming out financially broke, and trying to figure it out. So, I thought I really, I got to find a way where I can learn how to do this faster, and really support my family. So, it was actually a driver for me, you know, because we ended up having to deplete all our resources. And I, and at that time, I found out about oh, 60 over 60% of Americans that file bankruptcy every year file due solely to medical related issues, even though they have insurances. So, on my health care background, what I did know was that we were 10 times more likely to have some sort of life event. And most of us aren’t aware about it, because they don’t teach it. But that’s what I knew, because I worked in health care risk management. It’s these type of life events that take people from, from their livelihood, but not just physically. It’s a mental state. And if we’re not mentally strong around what we can do and what’s possible, or, I’m gonna say, have that tenacious nature that I have, if you don’t have that, naturally, the challenges are just so profound, and huge, they’re deep, and they’re big. And so, I found out that I was not the only one feeling that way. Because, you know, it’s one thing to grieve the loss of an ailment when you have an illness. And when you hear cancer, a lot of people hear death. So, they’re grieving a loss of themselves. And then you start to deplete your savings, right? Because you have to have a copay for a treatment that’s not covered, or you have to pay your mortgage. But the health care insurance you have pays the doctors and the hospitals and the pharmacies, but there’s no money for your mortgage, or your car insurance, or any essentials for your utilities and your food. And that can lead people to feeling desperation. And where do they turn? Where do they have a voice? Where can they call out? Most of us don’t even feel like we can, that there even is a choice. And so just before I got sick, I started learning about benefits that were around that wealthy people used to protect themselves as income producing assets or to protect their assets or their retirements or their plans that they put in place for just such an event. Now when I learned about that, that wealthy people were doing it, being the inquisitive person that I was, I actually went to their financial professionals and said, “so these people have families, right?” And of course, they say, “Well, yeah,” I said, “if they keep asking for handouts, even the wealthy people will go broke, giving all their money away. Right?” And I remember this person very specifically saying, “Yes.” And he was a tax, a tax attorney. I said, “So then what do you do for their family members? How do you structure them and set them up? When they aren’t the millionaires and multimillionaires?” He goes, “Oh, the same plans are available to them. It’s just that most financial professionals don’t share that, because they usually leave that to share with their wealthy clients. Because we really don’t make that much money from it.” I thought…
(30:55) Dr. Doreen Downing:
That’s, that’s astounding. Yeah, that’s a piece of information that it’s like a secret.
(31:03) Rita Bocuzzi:
That’s why I actually say it’s no secret to be wealthy, we just get to ask questions till we figure out that right path. And that’s our voice. That was my one voice. I could ask questions. And, oh, as an adult, I knew that I could. And I was going to—and people want to help, people really do. So, this tax attorney, let me intern with him, I’m gonna say for free, I would have probably paid to do it. But I met him through a course that I paid for. And he said, “Okay, I will, I will allow you to do this.” So that I could see what he was talking about in teaching. So that I could turn around one day and teach it and have people be empowered around their money education. And I call that “leveling up our financial intelligence.” When I say I’m a financial intelligence expert, we all can be. You know, I mean, when you say experts, experts are always learning. It doesn’t mean that they’re done, it means that they keep on continuing, and they share it. And we get to be that in our own right, just like, you know, you’re never an expert, as a parent, and you could raise, you know, 12 children, and have another one, and it would be a whole new learning experience. So, the same thing with money situations and money stories, but what we do get to do is we can learn about it, just like when we learn about a job. And when we learn about it, you just start out simple, like when a mother reads to a baby in the womb, you start reading about it or hearing about it. When you start hearing about it– I think you and I had a prior discussion– it’s that vibrational familiarity of the sounds of the words, so that they’re familiar, the auditory, right, and then maybe even the visual. And when those, that triad comes together, you start to level up your confidence. And that’s– financial Intelligence is a state of being like leveling up your financial confidence, right?
(33:10) Dr. Doreen Downing:
I wish people could see you right now. The ones are listening on devices, I– You are just fully blossoming with joy and excitement. And there’s just an effervescence about you when you talk about helping people. We’re moving towards the end. So, I want to make sure that you get to say anything more about your commitment and your work.
(33:37) Rita Bocuzzi:
So, my commitment and my work. I am on an money empowerment mission. And I mean that wholeheartedly to help, within the next five years, a million families to be educated around money. Because when we get educated and we share amazing things, that is that village coming together. And there’s like the cliches that we hear– clue into the cliches from wealthy people. Because they have truth in them. It takes a village, right? Rising tides raises all ships, all these things are true. But it can’t start without you. It starts with awareness. It’s, it gets to be simple. awareness, your attitude that you show up with it. And then the actions you take. It’s always about word formulas, not money formulas… money formulas too, but it really is the mindset of word formulas. And, you know, I’m committed to showing up and I have done so and will continue to do so in ways where I call them “fee to free” because it depends on where you’re at. Might not have the money right now, but you might have the time. And it’s not just me. It’s about connecting with resources. So, in that commitment to keep them on elevating yourself step by step by expanding, so that this way we can enjoy our money and flourish financially.
(35:11) Dr. Doreen Downing:
I heard three A’s. Yes. What were those three A’s?
(35:15) Rita Bocuzzi:
Awareness, right? Because if we don’t know, like, we get to start to know and our attitude the beginning, I’m not gonna say like, when I first learned, my attitude is like, I don’t know if I’m smart enough. I was a B and C student. But I got to shift that to say, you know, what, if it’s possible for any man to learn it, it’s possible for me too. I might have to put a little extra effort, but I can get it done because it’s a rinse-repeat system. Attitude, it’s the action so rinse-repeat system, right? I just kept on reading books or I kept on listening to audios and it gets to be easier and simpler so that we can succeed.
(36:01) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Awareness, Attitude, Action. Well those are, as well as “flourish financially”. You like the way words work, don’t you?
(36:10) Rita Bocuzzi:
I love word formulas. I love, you know, things like embracing, expanding, elevating and using those as pillars. So, I’m going to say having fun is key. Having the, like you said, the effervescence and excitement around it. And a way for it to be fun gamify it, have a date with your money and maybe have some chocolate and some wine when you’re doing your numbers, something to make it easier, not overwhelming, so that we can do the simple silly things to enjoy it, and it gets to just really be enjoyable, just fun. Fun flow and ease
(36:57) Dr. Doreen Downing:
There you go again, “fun and flow”. Well I’m certain people have really enjoyed sticking all the way to the end because you’re such a compelling speaker and you do certainly have a voice that is wide ranging, it touches so many people, not just the words, it’s your energy and your spirit and that’s, to me, what voice is deeper. It is not– I don’t train people how to speak and how to give a speech, you know, I help people get to be exactly like you are coming from a deep sense of power and purpose and passion. Hey, I just did my three Ps.
(37:43) Rita Bocuzzi:
One word to share with you as you just said it maybe ending, consistent, purpose, realize CPR, if you’re consistent in your purpose. You do realize your dreams. So just it’s an I use that word multiple ways. So it’s consistency, persistency, and resiliency to keeping to that consistent purpose realized.
(38:09) Dr. Doreen Downing:
Yes, well I’m sure you and I, it’s like at a ping pong. We could go back and forth, couldn’t we? Oh, but we have to stop today. Again, it’s such a pleasure and I’ve so enjoyed being with you and I know who ever is still here with us, I hope they all are, is just clapping, applauding like crazy because they’re going to go out and take some of what you’ve offered today, I’m sure– especially the chocolate.
(38:41) Rita Bocuzzi:
Thank you so much for this opportunity to share. It just means so much to me. And thank you to all the speakers out there and I pray that they just take one, two, or three nuggets or AHAs and just start there.
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Podcast host, Dr. Doreen Downing, helps people find their voice so they can overcome anxiety, be confident, and speak without fear.
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Get started now on your journey to your authentic voice by downloading my Free 7 Step Guide to Fearless Speaking: